Birks End, Swaledale - May/June 2011
This job, for the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, required major repairs and reconstruction to the bridleway to deal with the annual thaw which turns the Birkside Beck into a raging torrent each spring.
Photos: Clive Herdman, Dick Laidler
Quite a mess - where do we start?
An innocent looking pool of water, but the water marks on the walls inside the bridge record a sinister past!
Dick and Dave gingerly stripping the wall on top of the ridge
Reinforcements tiptoe through the scree
Meanwhile, work starts on the revetment walls to the stream bed
Some stones were so large, they could only be moved into place with bars
Good chunky base stones and realignment of the new wall should be more sturdy
Whilst we're working, the Ranger chats with a passing 21st century shepherd
The three wise monkeys or what?
Now you can see where we're coming from
Smashing view, but we haven't time to enjoy it yet
Smashing view, but we haven't time to enjoy it yet
Smashing view, but we haven't time to enjoy it yet
The revetment wall taking shape, but where have all the troops gone?
The site looks right up the valley
Dick and Nick making progress
Still looks a shambles, but order is starting to emerge
Still looks a shambles, but order is starting to emerge
Still looks a shambles, but order is starting to emerge
The wall on the ridge nearing completion as the toppers go on
Still tidying up the landslip on the bridleway path
Looking much better now the back of the job is broken
Gravel going down on the path - hope the walkers appreciate our efforts
Gravel going down on the path - hope the walkers appreciate our efforts
Gravel going down on the path - hope the walkers appreciate our efforts
Chain gang on the last lap
Chain gang on the last lap
What a difference - a half day job lasted six days in total, with little time for relaxation
What a difference - a half day job lasted six days in total, with little time for relaxation