Practice meet at Long Liberty Farm, Harrogate - 6/7 August 2011
On a typical English summer's day (wet, windy and cool), 6 hardy wallers set to on the next section of wall at the farm. The squad included 'virgin waller' Chris from Hampshire (dont worry passport was checked) having a go for the first time
Photos: John Pridmore
Michael looks on, gives the thumbs up then tells to dog to get to work
Stripping out begins before the rain arrives
The dog has done a runner so Michael is having to fill in
Foundations nicely in
Up to the throughs and it looks like tea break
As you can see we are no longer DRY stone walling
Back to work and going up nicely
Don't think you'll get the legs tanned today!
The locals have come for a closer look
Up and ready for the coping stones
The Motley Crew + cameraman
The critics are back again to inspect the finished job
That's all for this year