The Biovac, Ilton - 1 June 2013
A beautiful day lead to a great turn out from Guild members. Two teams set about repairs with the main team rebuilding a long section extending last years work and John gave Colin some coaching on building a wall end in preparation for his Advanced Test. A very enjoyable day and many thanks to Steve Hardwick for the bacon butties.
Photos: John Pridmore
Steve making some adjustments
Looks like Dick's back’s gone again!
So that’s where everyone is. Any excuse to down tools
Dave looks worried. Has he eaten the Chairman's bacon butty?
Back to it after the break. I see we have even signed up a traffic cone as a member
Coming along nicely
Dave still looks worried. He must have eaten the Chairman's butty
Squad 1 finished. Is there a dip in the ground behind Michael and Woody as they both appear to be hanging on
First courses going on. What have they found in that top corner?
Must have built it well to hold those 2 chaps!
The other side
Squad 2 the wall ends. Pulling out the old stone
The other side looks like it will need some work too
Always easier once you get above ground level
So far so good
Nearly finished and looking good
Topped off. Nice job now onto the other side
Topped off. Nice job now onto the other side
A bit more of a challenge as all the good stone has gone
Finally up. That’s a lot tidier
Colin stands back to admire a hard days work
The view from the other side