Practice meet at Long Liberty Farm, Harrogate - 25 June 2017
On a pleasant Sunday a reasonable size squad finally finished off the last section of wall into the corner. We started this stretch way back in 2011 and have completed it during practice meets and competitions over the past 6 years
Photos: John Pridmore
Out with the old ready for the new
That was quick, a couple of courses already
Some big lumps going in there (as well as the one taking the picture)
Lunch already. Its not even half way up!
Everyone's gone camera shy
James shows the waller's lean, testing the throughs out
Progressing now
Graham's eyebrows are so big when he raises one his hat goes up with it
Finishing off for the tops
Finishing off for the tops
Here are the crew for the day along with the official photographer John
Finished off and tidy site
Part of the long section now completed