Practice meet at The Bivouac, Masham - 30 May 2015
On a pleasant spring day a good squad of wallers turned up to continue the section started last year
Photos: John Pridmore
The team set about stripping out
Sleeves rolled up ready for action
Next section of wall to repair
Tops and throughs laid out
Line go in ready to start building
Dick must have had beans last night as he's blown himself clean out of his fleece!!
Big foundation stones going in
Slight retaining wall for the first few courses
Usual walling shot.....bums in the air
Someone shouted 'Average Waller' and Les turned round
First set of throughs have gone in
More progress
Building continues
Second course of throughs go on
Les and Graham settle a dispute over a stone with a light sparring
Build progressing
Graham checks out his new orange lines for tension
Something interesting must be happening at the other end of the wall
Build progressing
Build progressing
Les demonstrates how an average waller selects their stone
Graham is sure there is some new hair growth... Sorry Graham
Les does a stability test
The Motley Crew
End of a good day