Reeth - August 2019

Following two days during the first week in August of heavy rain in the Yorkshire Dales, the river Swale burst its banks between Arkle Town Grinton with devastating flooding to farmsteads and domestic properties, and killing livestock which had been caught in the deluge.

Many miles of dry stone walls and trees have been demolished and several road and footbridges are down, cutting off many rural communities and hampering the efforts of rescue services bringing aid to the area. Many organisations and individuals have come to help the stricken residents and help start the big clean up.

This week a team comprising National Park volunteers, Ragged Robin Wildlife Group members and Guild members Richard Laidler and Dave Purvis cleared a half a mile of public footpath on the banks of the Swale, shifting many tons of stone and debris, and cutting up and removing several trees which had completely blocked the walkway. A start has been made rebuilding the boundary walls along the pathway - it is anticipated that it is going to take many months, if not years, to restore normality to this most beautiful area of the National Park.

There is an action desk now situated full time in Reeth Village Hall, if anyone can spare some time to help the volunteer workforce all assistance will be gratefully received.


Dick Laidler


Langthwaite - 10 August 2019