The Guild have an annual meet at "Daggerstones" in Swaledale, giving us all the chance to check we're up to speed with the basics!
Summer 2005
Various repairs to walls by Guild members Richard Laidler and Dave Edwards
9-10 September 2006
A YDSWG group meet - 17 members on day 1 and 8 members on day 2 rebuilt 24 metres of wall onto 3 existing Orthostats
13-14 September 2008
Our Annual two day meet took place at "Daggerstones" over the weekend. Two separate tasks were undertaken: On Saturday, the "A team" tackled a rather complex and technically demanding rebuild of a retaining wall and cheek end at a gate opening whilst on Sunday, the "B team" worked on a more orthodox rebuild of a straight forward wall and an acceptable standard was achieved considering a great Ash tree was very inconveniently in the way of the build!